We Are the League Feature Series: Meet Rachel Moldan
Posted: Monday, January 27, 2025 - 9:00 AM

Rachel Moldan is the longtime Band Director at Sleepy Eye Saint Mary's High School. The native of Neenah, Wis., says her high school experiences helped shape her vision of wanting to inspire students to love and appreciate music.
Editor's Note: Welcome to We Are the League, a feature series that recognizes the work, dedication and enthusiasm of individuals who are essential in making opportunities within the Minnesota State High School League a truly great experience for all. During this series, you will meet an incredible array of individuals, including student-participants, who will share their journeys through education-based activities. The League hopes you enjoy this recognition series.
My high school journey
I grew up in a Wisconsin town called Neenah and attended high school at Fox Valley Lutheran in nearby Appleton. It was a bigger area with a lot of different opportunities. Both of my parents were elementary teachers; my dad had an emphasis in music. Our school had 600 or so students which meant we had two bands and three choirs. That also meant that every activity was a competition. You had to work hard to be a varsity player, or to lead on the student council. My freshman year I was part of the band that was made up mostly of freshmen. After that we could audition to be part of the Symphonic Band. I spent the next three years in this band. I think most of my passion for music came from my band director. He was one of those teachers whom you just didn’t want to disappoint. It wasn’t until my junior year that I really knew that this was something I wanted to continue for life. My three siblings also played an instrument and my older sister is also a band director in Wisconsin. I went to college at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point where I earned my Bachelor's of Music Degree in Instrumental Education.
Favorite high school memories
- I had so many musical opportunities growing up. I was able to audition and be a part of the Fox Valley Youth Symphony. This really pushed me to become a better clarinet player. I made some really good friends through band and though I don’t see them often, we still can pick up where we left off when we do meet. We were lucky to have Lawrence University basically in our backyard and I had parents who believed in me and the arts enough to pay for private lessons. I did participate in track and field my freshman year. As fun as it was, I decided (or my parents through stern encouragement to practice) to devote more time to music. I was able to be a part of a summer marching program made up of students from nine different schools throughout Wisconsin. These are my best memories of high school. We worked hard, having to do pushups in the middle of the road if someone messed up or misbehaved. We went to so many places and saw things I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to see. We went on an eastern tour and I got to play at Niagara Falls and tour Boston.
Why I enjoy being involved with high school activities
- These are the experiences that helped shape me and make me want to help students to have a love and appreciation of music. I think back to my friendships created and pride in what we accomplished and hope that I can inspire students this way too. I loved going to basketball games with my friends and playing in the pep band for the fans. These are years and opportunities you never get back. High school was, for me, a time to explore, try new things, and be OK with it if I failed or didn’t like it.

Giving back to the community through music is a hallmark of Rachel Moldan's leadership. Here she leads students during on outdoor Memorial Day Service.

Rachel Moldan is the catalyst that brings smiles and joy to the community through the inspirational music of students.