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MN Head Coaches Course - Current Schedule and Registration

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MN Head Coaches Courses (MNHCC) are offered to assist member schools who have head coaches who do not currently meet the requirements of MS122A.33 - Head Coach Certification.

  • A coach may not be identified as a head coach until they have attended a MNHCC and have completed the course requirements.

  • Some course dates will be offered virtually (via Zoom) and some course dates will be offered in-person as indicated below.

  • Registration and payment are managed via EventBrite.  

  • Courses are typically offered in June/August, October/November and February/March each year.

Course Dates:
Saturday, January 25:  In-person at Brainerd High School CANCELLED
Sunday, February 2:  In-person at St. Anthony Village High School
Saturday, February 8:  In-person at Hastings High School
Saturday, February 15: Virtual (via Zoom)*
Sunday, March 2:  Virtual (via Zoom)*
Sunday, March 16:  In-person at Wayzata High School

  • NOTE:  Registration for all courses closes ONE WEEK PRIOR to each course date.
  • The course meets from 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM and the cost is $200.
  • Following participation in the course, there are two online courses that must be completed in order to finish the certification. Instructions for these two courses are sent out after the virtual/in-person course takes place.
  • *For Virtual (Zoom) Courses - we require all participants to have their cameras on during the entire course. This ensures a more engaging and interactive learning experience. Additionally, visible presence encourages accountability and active participation, ensuring participants meet the requirements of the MN State Statute Requirement for Head Coach Licensure.