Nickname: Crusaders
School Colors: Royal Blue and Gold
School Song: Crusader Fight Song
MSHSL Enrollment: 380
ISD No. 742
Admin. Region: 5A
School Colors: Royal Blue and Gold
School Song: Crusader Fight Song
MSHSL Enrollment: 380
ISD No. 742
Admin. Region: 5A
312 - 7th Avenue North
St. Cloud,

Kathy Crispo
Band Director:
Donnell Lastine-Chopp
Choir Director:
Jonathan Rydberg
Yearbook Advisor:
Samantha Leintz
Title IX Officer:
Emmett Keenan
Boys Sports Representative:
Emmett Keenan
Girls Sports Representative:
Emmett Keenan
Athletic Trainer/Medical
Dalton Foley, ATC